Friday 5 April 2013

3:26 Introductions

This chapter is basically a mini flash-back over the past generation from the point of view of the Lansing children. I have tried not to re-use any shots, and tried to make it sound a little different to how we saw it all happening.

 "Kids, this is your father, Geoffrey. Luis, you remember him, right?"

Geoffrey was shocked by just how much his two children looked like him. Luis definately had his nose and mouth, while Shaena had his eyes and face shape. If there had ever been any question over the parentage of these two, it would be easy to tell who's children they were, they had quite a lot of Madison in them too. It was weird seeing his son as an adult, to him it hadn't felt like long at all, but Luis hadn't even started school when he died. It sounded odd when he put it like that in his head, so he decided against voicing it, and the family all took a seat.
"I want you guys to tell your father about yourselves, your lives, what he's missed. I've told you everything about him, and he doesn't know you at all. So, sum your lives up."

 Shaena and Luis looked at each other. Where to start? It's easy to remember the important things in your life, but when someone wants to know all of them, it's like someone just wiped your memory. Shaena held her hand out to Luis, indicating him to go ahead and start.

"I'm married." He stated, something relevant to now seemed like an idea of where to start. "To Layla, we met on prom night. I somehow managed to never see her around school til that night, even though she was the only female fairy in my year group." Geoffrey noticed how deep and manly his voice had become since he was a toddler. He was all grown up now, and married! "We're trying for a baby..." And trying for a baby! Geoffrey felt old. "But no such luck yet." Luis was done for now. He couldn't work out where to go from there, perhaps he should have started from the beginning? From the day he'd died? He motioned towards his sister, sort of passing the buck, if you will. She looked a little lost for words.

"Um... Hi, I'm Shaena. I'm your daughter. This is... Awkward..."
"Yes, it is a little odd, isn't it." Geoffrey replied. As far as he was aware, this was a world's first. Well, obviously, there were people meeting their parents for the first time as adults, but not after those parents had been dead for eighteen years... He decided to ask a few questions, to make it easier. "Are you married?"
"No, I'm living with my boyfriend, Alex. Kaity said we'd be together for ages." There she was again. Kaity hadn't said much after she'd asked those weird questions the night before, but her sister, Rose had chatted with him non-stop.

 He'd had to help her with her homework, and she kept going on about Myles, Shavon and Bonnie. He didn't know who any of those people were, and had tuned out at parts, watching his Madison make dinner, and tuning back in when Taylor would occasionally add something to the conversation, or tell Rose to change the subject. He had a feeling that Rose talked a lot, and felt a little guilty about tuning her out. He'd been tired.
"Does Kaity boss you about?" He asked. She'd seemed quite forceful before, very over-protective, and although she said she was Shaena's best friend, he wasn't sure he had her best interests at heart.

Shaena giggled at his concern. Her fathers concern. She wondered what she was supposed to call him.
"Kaity seems like some crazy overprotective bossy girl, but she's not. She acts tough because she's had it rough, but she's never hurt anyone. She's my best friend."
"Ok." Geoffrey paused for a moment while he thought of the next conversation topic. "How do you two get along?"

"We get on really well." Luis began, and smiled as he noticed his sisters face twist into a cross between shock and confusion. "We always have done. I spoil her really, make her all kinds of stuff, constantly check on her. Give her lifts, she's struggling to get around now she's pregnant you see, I-"
"I AM NOT PREGNANT LUIS!" Luis collapsed into fits of laughter at her outburst, while Geoffrey and Madison just looked concerned.

 Geoffrey saw an opportunity.
"If you are, it's fine. You're the same age your mother and I were when you were born, we can help."
"I'm actually, seriously, definately, not."

"Luis is the most annoying sim on the planet. I believe that the only reason he was born, was to torture me. He used to 'help me' with my homework, and then when I'd written down what he said he'd do this thing like, 'Oh, you didn't write that down, did you? You know me, I'm awful at schoolwork...' and then I'd doubt myself when I'd worked the answer out and it turned out he'd been right before."
"Ok, Shae. A good point about your brother now, please." Madison was getting annoyed that her children couldn't seem to get along the one day she needed them to.

"Well. I guess he did help me with..." She paused. Was it acceptable for her to voice the concerns she'd had over the potions now? She decided not. "Something the other day."
"See, they get on. Aren't they well behaved?" Madison acted like she was trying to sell her children to Geoffrey, and this was her only chance. Geoffrey wondered why she was so nervous. There was no need to be nervous, if anything, he should be the one who was nervous.
"Oh, wait, did I tell you Lou tried to kill me on my birthday?" Madison rolled her eyes, and Geoffrey and Luis looked shocked.
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did! In the car, remember?"
"No, I didn't. You're overreacting."
"Mum! Tell him! He tried to kill me."
"You two, seriously?!" Madison stopped the arguing like she had done so many times before. "How old are you?" She remembered saying that back when they were young enough to be allowed to argue. "This was supposed to be a happy 'look, Mummy bought Daddy back to life, lets all be happy and be a nice little family' thing, not a 'see who can wind the other up the most' competition. Happy memories, now, please? And avoid talking about each other."

There was silence, so Madison decided to take her turn.
"I remember when they were both adorable little angels. Luis would quietly do his homework, and I'd help Shaena walk..."
"And then the cousin's were born." Luis added.
"No. Well, yes, they did kind of disturb the peace, but it's not their fault. It isn't even Taylors fault..." She stopped when she realised what she'd almost said, as Geoffrey, Luis and Shaena all looked very confused. How could having babies not be Taylor's fault? It takes two... "Never mind, kids, guys, go. You're supposed to be telling your father stuff."
Lucky save.

No, I'm not happy with the chapter either, but, I have a life to live and a legacy to get on with, so I'm ignoring it. Stupid Geoff coming back from the dead and deciding he wants to be king of shadows... And me, for not being inspired by any of what I wrote, deleting loads, and then not being able to replace it. To make it up to you, I'll make the next chapter extra-long and exciting.
Oh, and Luis and Layla actually aren't married. I seem to have failed there, but will sort it out when I impregnate Layla next time I'm in game.


  1. Aw, I thought it was a sweet chapter!

    I can't be sure, but the 'king of shadows' thing happens sometimes when your position a Sim up or down from normal; the game treats them as if they are in the foundation rather than in the lit room. You can use the invisible light from buy debug to light the shadowed Sim.
    The flashbacks were all really sweet. =D

    1. Thank you :)

      Lol, yes, that was it. I hadn't repositioned him. Well, I had for the shot, but he'd crowned himself king pre-OMSP, so I decided I didn't care and just didn't use many shots. I'll try and remember that invisi-light next time, though.

      Thank you! It was pretty difficult to think how they saw things, so I cut a HUGE chunk out.

  2. 'Oh, and Luis and Layla actually aren't married. I seem to have failed there, but will sort it out when I impregnate Layla next time I'm in game.'
    Y'know, yesterday, when we were talking about mood... was this the result of that? LOL. Cause I about died. Lol.

    There was nothing wrong with this at all. It would have to feel a little awkward for you since it's supposed to feel a little awkward for them. And very rightfully so. Though I loved Luis and Shaena teasing each other out of their nerves. Typical siblings trying to make the best of an -and there's that word again- awkward situation for them. It was fun to read!

    1. LOL! Haha, what do you mean? The 'everything sounds dirty' mood? I think I was just on a sugar high when I wrote that, but now it *does* sound dirty... *giggle*

      Ah! I guess it makes sense now! I was actually feeling what they were feeling, good point :) Thank you! Next time I'll try not to put myself in their shoes. Unless it's a happy one. Like the last one, awww...

  3. Oh I didn't even notice the king of shadows effect until you mentioned it! haha yeah he does look pretty dark there. The flashbacks were cute, especially the one of her teaching Shae to walk. Geoffrey's concern about Kaity was sweet, but he's just gonna have to get used to her :D The sibling banter was well done.

    1. Phew! See, Geoff? You can't ruin pictures as well as you think. HAH!
      Aw, thank you :)
      Yes, he still hasn't been told she's psychic, Rose did mention it when she was chattering away 'last night', but Geoff kept tuning out. It's tiring coming back from the dead, and he was pretty fixated on Madi as he'd missed her and he thought she looked hot :p
      Thank you! I have siblings. No brothers, two 'little' sisters (18 and 20, with me being 22, so not that little really) so that helps that I can draw on that experiance. I also used to have all male friends, and they were like brothers and we'd banter like that, so that helps too :)

  4. Aww, I love that they still bicker, even when they're supposed to be behaving to meet their father. Geoff is indeed the king of shadows, lighting issues suck. :\

    Short chapters happen to everyone, sometimes you just have to get a chunk of story that doesn't fit well with anything else out of the way.

  5. Thank you. And yes, they do. Stupid Geoff. Thinks he can get away with anything because I feel guilty about killing him.

    I agree. It's done, it's over, and this next chapter is going to be stupidly long and wordy. Nearly got all the pics for it too, and hoping to get it out later today.

  6. 'when I impregnate Layla' LMAO! I know what you mean, of course, it's just that sounds hilarious!

    I didn't think it was bad. You told us in the beginning it was a summary of sorts. I loved the humor in it. That Luis really knows how to push his sister's buttons, doesn't he?

    1. LOL! I know, I forget how weird sim-things must sound to a non-simmer stumbling across something like this :p

      Thank you. Lol, Luis loves to wind his baby sister up. He'll be fun to have as a dad! (I impregnated Layla today. I'm going to give all their kids 'L' names if I can, because they're Luis and Layla Lansing. LOL!)

  7. Well of course I had to read it, lol I liked it, loved the flashbacks, those are always fun. :)

    And siblings---you gotta love family!

    1. Haha, I suppose it was too tempting to have someone say 'don't read this!' :p
      Yep, gotta love family! LOL

  8. Don't be so hard on yourself! It was a nice little chapter. I loved how awkward it all felt. Because, really, you bring someone back to life decades later... How can it not be awkward?! :D

  9. I like how you did this chapter! They were all being themselves and I think Geoff got to see what they were really like! He missed seeing them on a day to day basis and this how it would have been had he been there. He loves them despite their faults!
