Thursday 29 November 2012


It wasn't long before little Jackson was walking.

Not long after, I started feeling ill
I did a pregnancy test, and sat down to play with Jackson while I waited for Ken to come back from work.

Ken came home and I told him the news, I was pregnant again.
He wasn't as excited as he was when I told him about Jackson, He was worried we didnt have enough space, we only had 2 bedrooms, and we didn't really have enough money to build a third yet, but he agreed we should keep it, neither of us ever really wanted to get rid of it, it just meant we had to cut back on spending money, we already got all our food from the community gardens, and he was spending extra time at work, I would have to get a job myself, something I could do at home.

It wasn't long before I started to show. Thats the only problem with being thin, things like this dont stay hidden long. One day as I was snuggling up to Jackson, I had an idea.
Ken got home from work, and announced that all his extra hours had paid off, and he had earned a promotion!
Then I told him my idea. I could run a day-care service from home! It would mean I could be a stay-at-home mom, at the same time as earning enough money for us to have a more comfortable life. He liked the idea, but told me I should wait until after this baby is born, and possibly a few months or a year old too. I agreed that I couldnt start it right now, as this pregnancy was making me very tired, and I could barely keep up with Jackson now he was walking, let alone have other peoples children here too! I wasn't sure I wanted to wait another year and a half though, but I agreed we would talk about it again after the new baby was settled in.

Next ->


  1. I'm excited to see how your day care gets on. I've never actually played that career.
    I love Barbie's hot pink shoes. =D

  2. I have played it once or twice, its pretty annoying because you get a lot of toddlers and have to teach them skills to get older children, but i rolled it and i guess it fits with Barbie anyway.

    I love them too! I use them all the time, I actually know which ones they are because I love them so much: if you want them :)

  3. Wow! I've not come across a legacy where anyone rolled daycare. I can't wait to see how you handle it!

  4. Oh boy. A daycare. That's something I've not been brave enough to try, especially since I still don't have the swing.

  5. I think Ken has a point. They should wait until the new baby is a bit older or poor Barbie will get drained. :(

  6. Daycare! I've never read a legacy with the daycare career. This is going to be interesting. I hope it doesn't glitch out on you!

  7. As many other Before me says: Daycare - never read! Will keep me glued to the legacy for a while... And do love that you keep your chapters relatively short, without leaving anything out. Makes it very easy to read and comfortable for the eyes!

  8. A daycare sounds like a great idea! She can earn money and still be home for her children too.

  9. Look at those pink shoes! :) She is certainly living up to expectations ^_^ ...
